Our Services

Individual Sessions


Changing your perception, patterns and/or behaviors can be a challenging process. Everyday we are confronted with a variety of events that might trigger reactions, thoughts and emotions that are unpleasant to us and/or to others.

As we can only control how we think, react and behave, this is what we work on during individual therapy sessions.

Redefining ourselves, restructuring our perception, working through issues that concern us or just getting to know ourselves better are some of the topics that are dealt upon during a session.

We work together, hand in hand, as a team in a fully safe and private environment in order to achieve your goals.

Couple Therapy/ Mediation


Being in a couple is wonderful but it can also be challenging as we are called to share our lives, our time, our dreams…to compromise, to adapt and to work constantly on our relationship.

Often the daily strains impact our couple and this can have repercussions on many levels.

Discussing the issues, reflecting upon them, working on them with guidance and in a neutral and safe environment can help bring back the balance and create a new basis of communication based on listening to ones partner and on respect.

Family Therapy


Families can take may forms. From being a single parent to living with extended family. However, family therapy focuses primarily on the core, it being the parents and children.

The core is seen as an entity of it’s own and dynamics among the members can change or be impacted by outsiders and by life events.

Lets not forget that families are individuals living together, whether it is the parent(s) or the child(ren), so individual needs and challenges are adressed in a safe and respectful environment.

Helping family members strengthen their bonds, reestablish fruitful communication, understand and respect each other and stay strong as an entity is the primary goal.


Sometimes we need neutral guidance and feedback when we are faced with life decision, such as career changes, personal choices, and goals. Coaching focuses on “the here and now” without focusing on either the distant past or future. It is a more practical approach that aims to improve ones performance by focusing on self-responsibility and taking ownership of ones choices.

Coaching will help you establish a desired goal, understand where you are and what steps need to be taken in order to achieve that goal.


Group Therapy


Group therapy is a process in which clients learn to express themselves, accept criticism, develop understanding and self-awareness by listening to others with similar issues.

Group therapy also helps individuals develop communication and socialization skills.

Meetings are schedules in a safe and respectful environment and are held on a bi-weekly schedule.



Workshops are an opportunity for some of us to gather and learn from each other, discuss and exchange opinions and knowledge about various topics of interest in the field of psychology.

Those topics can range from general fields such as “Hapiness” to more specific discussion around “Children and working parents”.

They might be sometimes more practical “Creative ideas for bonding with your children” or more philosophical such as “When do we consider ourselves happy?”

Workshops will be free of charge, an opportunity for community members to meet and discuss as we all learn from each other.

We will be meeting in small groups so priority will be respected .